web3 new journey


March 22, 2023

Week III • A leap into the story of my Journey 

I'm striving to understand everything there is to know about this fantastic, fascinating yet somewhat intimidating new era. My apprehension comes from being entirely focused on a personal growth journey and the overwhelming amount of new information to absorb. Balancing my role as a single mother to a wonderful homeschooler while also dedicating myself to learning, researching, and applying new concepts can be a challenge.  Most of the times, I find myself still having to eat lunch at 11 at night and finally going to bed at 4 in the morning. When my boy is with dad, I immerse myself even more in my work, trying to learn everything possible to get one step further in my journey, one step closer to my goal. As an adult who thought I had seen and done it all, it's scary to venture into this "new everything". I have always found it easier to remain within my comfort zone and excel at what I know best. But, I am determined to push myself to grow and redefine my priorities, goals, and means of achieving them at the cost of loosing friends and finding myself the same "stranger and outsider" I was pushed to be in my College years.

During my time at Art Center College, I experienced years where I slept only three hours a night, to excel and become the top performer. Despite being awarded my "advance standing" status, I found myself as a stranger on the sidelines, being judged by others as the "intruder". While observing others collaborating and helping each other in photography, I found myself excluded from these groups, with the rationale being that I didn't need their advice due to my advanced position. I did indeed need them or at least I needed some kind of mental support during those hard years. Eventually, good friends came my way, but it was not an easy road for me. Even after graduating with distinction and possessing an amazing portfolio, I encountered resistance from magazine and advertising agencies who felt that I was simply "too much" for what they were looking for. My struggles with shyness and insecurity were not helpful in overcoming these challenges either.

And here I am today, more than 20 years later. These past few years I worked so hard and had to became a warrior who fought  for my son's and my own freedom.

I have learned that being a warrior means being kept out of the circle, but this is ultimately for the best. It allows me to choose those who belong in it.

You discover that warriors won't talk much and won't tell you who they are. They speak with their warmth that invades you, with their eyes  filled of their heart's feelings, and with their sweet embrace that talks the  same language of love you do.

So here I am. Almost broke for being labeled "too much"from  this society with so much desire to find my own best version of myself and the most loving mother to my child in this new warrior era.  And warriors of light are all around me, in their silence distance, whispering with me and entering this amazing portal to the unknown .

And today, I really took a leap into that portal: the world of cryptocurrency trading, and it was an exhilarating experience. 

It was night as usual, the "heart rate" of some cryptocurrencies was sloping down. My heart was racing with it. "Wait Eli, wait Eli, wait Eli " my little voice inside was telling me. And then the curve touched the ground and just with a push of a button I made my first transaction!!  Wow. I did it. 

I know I'm one of  million of  people who are doing this. But it is me! It is Eli doing this!!! And this is what matters the most.

I'm stepping in week 4 of the most amazing journey with SheFi and Polygon. We haven't covered the actual investing yet but wow, this experience is creating an amazing energy in me, it infuses me with the courage to try, maybe risk and maybe make mistakes. Bust those mistakes will be my supporting steps to reach knowledge.

While there may be setbacks and challenges along the way, I am confident that I will emerge stronger and more knowledgeable than ever. And I know it will all be worth it! 

And I know, being a woman in Crypto and being part of SheFi Season 8, I will be writing with these beautiful warriors, a little piece of history of this amazing Era.



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